
If you’re reading this blog, you’ll know my now 15-year-old brother has autism. He is a smart, funny and cute boy, who just happens to not be able to do things other “normal” 15-year-old’s can do. He is currently non-verbal in that he cannot talk to communicate his needs. There are many things he will not be able to do that everyone else takes for granted throughout their lives.

However, we are now launching something for him and by him. What is it?

Karan’s school has this program to get its students to become self-sufficient in something they could potentially make their livelihood. While some students are capable of doing admin work, like filing, photocopying and entering data into forms and things like that which could get them jobs in offices/hotels/banks, Karan isn’t up to that level. His work will mostly be of the artisan kind, and right now he’s doing very well in two things: painting and jewellery-making.

Right now, we’ve started off with making jewellery. I’ve had the very experienced Debbie (@GeordieArmani) have a look at initial pieces and she’s been very helpful with suggestions on how to improve and moving forward.

I’ll be putting up some pics of stuff he’s done, and will create a Facebook page soon to get more people interested in the know, and will hopefully be present at future ARTE (Artisans of the Emirates) events.

Today, I present to you: Artism.


Going for Karan’s first exhibition


July 28, 2011, a Thursday evening saw myself, Mom and Karan heading down to Farjam Collection gallery at DIFC. Karan was at the START art camp, and the gallery was hosting an exhibition of all the work the kids had done. Alongside the works of the START kids, were the paintings of children who had attended the Art camp as well.

Here’s a look at Karan’s work that was on exhibit; he also did the painting splotches in the lower right hand corner in the fifth pic in this gallery.


Some of the other things at the gallery that caught my eye:



Karan says…see you again!_mg_4943

Karan’s work on exhibit

Just a quick update to tell our readers that we’ve been told Karan’s paintings will be on display at an exhibition at the Farjam Collection Gallery at DIFC, tomorrow evening from 6pm onwards.

Trying to get confirmation on whether it’s just for a day, or will go on for a few more. The work on exhibit will be the ones he worked on while attending the Tuesday START workshops. Paintings from other participants at the START workshops will also be exhibited, so it will be quite an inspiring and fun exhibit I should think.

If anyone wants to come along with us tomorrow night, do let me know…would love to have you there!