I spy with my little eye, something beginning with the letter “a”

I guess people who deal with special needs of any form can identify with this.

Often, it feels like having a superpower – the power to spot special needs where others don’t. I know it sounds overbearing, awful and sad.

Some people don’t have external, identifying “marks” of having a special need. But I can see them (it’s starting to sound all Sixth Sense even as I type).

I was out yesterday in a mall, and I was walking towards my destination in the mall, my eye moved towards a boy (perhaps 17? 18?) with a bright pink t-shirt with a slightly unfocused look. And in around 10 seconds, I thought, “he has autism.”

Then I observed a little more.

He was accompanied by a man and woman whom he resembled slightly – his parents I surmised. With them was another man, didn’t look like them at all, had (how do I write this in the most PC manner? Perhaps there is no way) slightly worn/not very expensive clothes on…I pegged him as their helper. He had a shopping bag in his hand, and I think the father asked him to give it to the boy. He did. The boy held it limply for a while, then dropped it, not realising, not caring. The other man picked it up, stayed close.

I stayed for a minute or two, and figured I was right.

And then I mentally wished them all the best, and felt glad that at least they had some help with the boy. It’s not easy, and frankly not recommended, to take care of a person with special needs with no extra help – especially if it’s within your means to get that help.

One thought on “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with the letter “a”

  1. I get what you mean by that power to spot special needs. I remember a friend once sending me a video of two kids from her family singing a birthday song for her and the first thing I noticed was the way the boy wouldn’t focus on the camera and wasn’t even singing all the words, and just kept getting distracted by other things. Asked my friend and turns out he has ADHD and Asperger’s. Everytime I see another kid like that, it breaks my heart. I’ve never been able to visit my brother’s school for this very reason. Agree with you about the need for a helping hand. Anyone who is made to face this challenge should really be blessed with enough material means to do so.

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